Style: Wabi-Sabi
Photos: Maria Malinowski/Łukasz Nowosadzki
released: April 2019The layout of the living room is open with a huge corner sofa and comfortable armchairs, so that every family member could find a cozy spot. The living room is connected with the dining room and create both a huge space in which the family spends the most of time. In the daily zone there is a chimney and a shelf for the favorite books. Huge side by side fridge, wide cooking zone area and a big, spacious sink were only some of the guidelines we received for the kitchen at the beginning of the project. The investors also wanted a small kitchen table at which the whole family could eat a delicious breakfast. There is a cupboard in which they can store various decoration and sets. The "house on bali" owners love to cook - i had a chance to try their dishes. Currently it is my favorite place in this part of warsaw and their salmon-cheese paste made by piotr and the morning coffee by iwona have totally stolen my heart.
S H O K O . D E S I G N